I have a passion for news and weather. And for sharing the way it may impact daily plans and daily life. I also love to take complicated topics like earthquakes, tsunamis and mudslides and make them relevant and relatable to everyone.
And while Chief Meteorologist at KOIN 6 News in Portland, Oregon, I created a successful weather blog where I continue to build readership.
I have managed a weather team, lead breaking weather coverage and helped the newsroom plan for the storm that is on the way.
And since that time, I’ve also switched my daily focus to cybersecurity and cyber threat related news. But I will continue to tell weather stories right here!
Certification & Awards
- AMS Seal of Approval
- 2 NW Emmy Awards For Best Weather Anchor
- Bachelor of Journalism, University of Missouri – Columbia, May 1992 (Go Mizzou!)
- Certificate of Meteorology, Mississippi State University, August 1998
Dear Mr. Sussman-
Please consider being a guest speaker for the “Planning for Disaster Preparedness and Recovery” course at Portland State University. If you are interested, please contact me for further information.
Ric Stephens, Instructor
I have to say you are one of the best meteorologist I have ever seen i always love hearing your weather reports… and i count on you. Mason Haguewood =+)
Mason–thanks for watching and for stopping by my weather blog. Have a great week! Bruce Sussman
Question – Is the Mississippi River flooding from the rain storms from a couple months ago? Or is it some fast snow melt from up North?
Mr. Sussman: I have watched you for many years around Portland and you are a good meteorologist, but I have to say that Astoria should be on your high temp map and not Seaside!!! Unless I’m mistaken Astoria is larger in population than Seaside (expect when that Foote guy shows up around in late August). Why is Astoria missing from the map at 6:00?
Tom: I certainly don’t mean to leave you guys out. I use two different sets of forecast maps–the ones during my earlier newscasts at 4-5pm include Astoria but not Seaside…then at 5:30 & 6 the reverse is true.
So I’m trying to get as many places in as I can over the course of the evening weathercast with limited map space.
Thanks for your note–I’ll try to work Astoria in as often as possible!
Hi Bruce, I live in Newport. Can you tell me why the temperature here is in the low 60’s and 50’s while everywhere else is in the 80’s and 90’s? Thanks C. Paul Anderson
Hi Bruce,
My wife and I just moved to Vancouver, WA from the San Francisco Bay Area. We watched Brian Sussman on KPIX, the local CBS affiliate until he left. I have to assume that you are brothers, is that correct? Otherwise having two B. Sussman weathermen is just too strange a coincidence. You look younger than Brian so I have to think he is your older brother. True? How did the two of you end up in the same profession. Nice work by the way! We find the people up here take the weather more seriously than in SF.
Hi Mike–I agree that PDX-Vancouver folks are pretty serious about their weather! I noticed the same thing when I moved here from Spokane, WA 15 years ago.
And you’re right – Brian’s older than I am! But…instead of brothers…we’re cousins. And this is really crazy, but his brother Brad also did weather for many years in Cleveland. So…it just runs in the family. And Brian is the one who inspired both of us for sure.
Welcome to Vancouver–it’s great to have you guys up here!
Bruce – you do a great job!
One suggestion: When you report various regions (coast, valley, etc.), why not do a 7 day forecast for each region? The single PDX 7 day forecast does not apply to the coast, eastern Oregon, etc.
Neal–thanks so much for your compliment and your question.
Making the 7day forecast into something that covers other areas is something I’ve toyed with for awhile now–and LA weathercasts do it for the coast/valley/mountains/deserts etc.
It’s on my list of things to try out–I’ll let you know when I do. The main thing is, I don’t want to take away from our current 7day forecast since that’s what most of us wait for.
Have a great weekend!
I think you are so happy with your job! But, where are you?
I look forward to your up attitude. They should announce where
you are. Thanks
Roberta–thanks for your note. I was on vacation with the family–and I’m back now! Have a great night.
Have not seen you on?
R U on vacation?
Yes, indeed. I was down south with my family getting sunshine and am now back at KOIN Local 6. It’s good to be back–and with such crisp weather and great fall colors!
I enjoy your weather reports and thank you for all the detail you provide.
I’ve noticed that you identify the town of Rome on your weather map. Why? I used to drive from SF Bay to Boise via hyway 95 and would go thru Rome for may years, There’s nothing there! The last store/gas station closed in the mid 90’s.
Jordan Valley, on the other hand is the hub of a large area of cattle ranches, has a high school and even holds a rodeo.
Interesting. I knew Rome was small but did not know its basically closed up! I only have Rome on their during our statewide fly through–so, maybe I’ll look into Jordan Valley.
At the very least…I’d like to visit there and see what’s going on in Jordan Valley…all because of your post! Thank you.
Just a note that Sophie Stoeber is expecting snow soon… she threatened to wear her pajamas inside out last week (but forgot). As a courtesy to you, we will let you know when she puts that task back on her agenda so you can sucessfully predict the subsequent snow! (P.S. – great job on the weather so far this winter… clear and crisp, just how we like it!)
We need Sophie and all the other kids around here to pull out the stops–and figure out the tricks to getting us snow in January or February! In the meantime, have a great Christmas and thanks for posting. Great hearing from you!
Hi Bruce,
I love your broadcasts!
I grew up in the Bay Area. Are you related to Brian Sussman?
Jim–thanks for the compliment. And yes, Brian and I are cousins. I went to visit he and his wife when I was 10 and he was doing weather in Reno, Nevada, and that’s what inspired me to get into my line of work.
Have a great weekend–enjoy the warm up!
Hi there Bruce,
I am looking to send a press release out to you about EYES + EDGE launch event coming up August 10th. What is the best email address to send it to?
Hi Holly,
Send your info to bsussman@koin.com — that’s the best way to reach me. Thanks,
Hello Bruce,
We watch for your weather report every night. I’m older than most of your viewers but please look up the January 1950 weather. It was the coldest in recent years. Some stats that I remember was the mean temp was 27 degrees. Total snow for the month was above 40 inches. The airport had to close twice for ice and near the end of the month in got down to minus 2 degrees. I don’t think most Portland folks know this.
Hi Bruce,
I noticed that Central Oregon weather has fallen off your radar. I try to catch
it at 6:20 and keep my eyes open for the forecast at 11. Central Oregon
is divided by a line. South of the line satellite service gives you Bend as
your local stations and north of the line gives you Portland. YOU are my
local weather and seeing that last minute reminder at 6 or 11 let’s me know
if I’ll have to put an extra log on the fire at night. I hope you’ll bring Central
Oregon back into the fold for a few seconds nightly. The forecasted temps
alone would be a great help.
Thanks for your comment. I’ve passed it on–efforting more central & eastern Oregon weather coverage!
Have a good week,
Why have you stopped including Central Oregon in your daily weather for forecasts? You have always been better then the local news and to be honest it’s the only reason I watch KOIN 6 news.
Gary–thanks to all the feeback I’ve received from you–and others like you–I am now including Central & Eastern Oregon in at least 2 weather forecasts each day.
So please, if you will, keep watching! Thanks again for the note. Bruce.
Bruce I always enjoy and appreciate your forecasts. I noticed that tonight you referred to contrails in the sky. Contrails are different from the aerosols being sprayed over Portland today (June 4). They are referred to as chemtrails, and people all over the world research this. A contrail dissipates within seconds , whereas the chemtrail lasts for hours and makes our blue sky milky. I suspect you already know about this. If people are interested, they can watch What in the world are they spraying. It’s on YouTube and DVD. Thank you.
Hi Bruce, my son who is in 8th grade at Cedarwood Waldorf School needs a mentor for his 8th grade project. He is obsessed with weather and I know no one.
Would you consider being a mentor for a project or can you please recommend someone.
Thank you so much.
Lynn Latta
Hi Lynn–thanks for posting. Did your son find a weather mentor for his project? And what is he focusing on?
Hope you are doing well. Bruce.
Mr Sussman how come I have not seen you doing the weather in the als few days? are you still employed by KOIN? are you vacationing? I hope you are still with KOIN.
Thanks for responding.
Thanks for your question–I appreciate you noticing I’ve been gone.
Unfortunately, I’m no longer with KOIN…although I’m still here in Portland and will keep posting on the blog & social media.
What happened? You can read about it here:
In the meantime…thanks again for your post!
I miss Bruce on KOIN . I am thinking of watching another station since they let him go.
My wife and I tuned into the Koin 6 pm broadcast just now to see that you had been replaced. We are so upset to learn that Koin did not renew your contract. You are one of the best meteorologists in the entire nation and we appreciated your knowledge and your wonderful, friendly style. We are shocked and disappointed, but want you to know that you will be greatly missed. We wish all the best for you and your family.
Todd & Lydia Pomerening
Our household is shocked and outraged that KOIN 6 would treat you, an excellent and dedicated meteorologist, with such blatant disregard after all your years of faithful service to the public on their behalf. We just want you to know that KOIN 6 will no longer be watched in our home.
Sad to hear.FYI,you are one of the best meteorologist in town and we enjoyed the way you report the weather news with a wonderful,friendly style.You will be missed.KOIN 6 will no longer be watched in our home.Bless you and your family and we hope you stay in Portland to see you on the airwaves soon.
Bruce, It saddens me to see that you have been replaced by a semi-blonde in a tight dress. I always trusted you & enjoyed your forecasts. I am one of many who will miss you. I guess I will check out the other 3 channels & probably change the channel. Best of luck to you.
My evening isn’t complete unless I watch your forecast Bruce. You feel like family. You always made me happy no matter if it was going to rain, snow, sleet.. You have a style that can’t be replaced. The good in you came out in every telecast. My family will truly miss you.
Hi Bruce,
So sorry you are no longer on the air in Portland. My wife and I discovered you in 2011 after we moved to Vancouver from the SF Bay Area (see post from Oct 5, 2011 and your welcoming reply). We rarely missed your weather report and really enjoyed your friendly and easy going manner. You made the weather report fun to watch and you brought much more to the broadcast than temperatures and precipitation. We miss seeing your passion and excitement for the weather; which was always evident.
We wish you the best and hope to see you back on local television in the very near future.
Bruce –
I know, too small of a market but we’d love to have you here.
I am a longtime viewer of yours (and fan) in Bend. I just learned of the disturbing news of your departure from KOIN 6 (which is the only remaining Portland station we still receive here in Bend). Big big huge loss for that station but more so of a loss for the viewers like me who thought you were the best at what you did. Loved how your passion at what you do comes thru to viewers on each broadcast and loved your way truly explaining the weather happening at the time and in your forecasts. Best of luck to you, where ever you find yourself the viewers of that area should consider themselves fortunate to have you. Maybe you can take over for KTVZ here in Bend?
All the best.
Bruce, My husband and I are saddened to learn that KOIN has not renewed your contract. What a loss for us. We enjoyed your upbeat personality, enthusiasm and quality of weather reporting. We’ll be looking elsewhere for weather reports as we are not impressed with your replacement. What a step down for KOIN. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. We sure hope that you will land a position elsewhere here in the Portland area. We’ll be waiting for your return!!
Bruce, you are just the best and we miss you every day !!!
You did a great job on Channel 6 for many years!! They made a big mistake when they failed to renew your contract!! We will be watching the local news on another station from now on. We hope to see you again soon on another Portland area station!! Best wishes to you!!
Bruce, WHAT HAPPENED? We just thought you were on vacation. When we saw the new girl listed as Chief Meteorologist we became concerned so checked the internet. Channel 6 made a huge mistake and will surely pay with the loss of viewers. You were the reason we watched their news broadcast so since you are no longer there we won’t be either. We hope one of the other local stations picks you up soon, but what ever station it will be, they will be glad they did. You are a definite asset to any TV station. KOIN should have spent the money on paying you a decent wage instead of redecorating their set. Best of luck in the future.
Jim & Jerri:
Thanks for you post and your support, I really appreciate it.
And I’m really hoping to stay here at home but we will see.
Here’s what happened:
Hope this week is not too hot for you!
We will all miss you! You were loyal to all, but it was a one way street. Shame on KOIN on the way they treat their employees. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate it!
I’m excited about the next chapter. I’ll let you know what that is…as soon as I get that figured out!
I really really miss you and your forecasts! I keep hoping you’ll pop up on another channel soon but isn’t it usually in tv personalities contracts that once they leave (or were let go) that they can’t work for a competitor for 6 months or so? I hope you are able to stay “local”, but if not, I wish only the best for you and your family because you ARE the best! Do you remember years ago, when you did Wed noon broadcasts down at Pioneer Square? (we were there on one of those Wed when you were doing live noon weather there) Loved it! Good luck to you and please keep us informed as to where you will be next!
I am so sorry to not get to see & hear your friendly voice & forecasts everyday. The news is just not the same. Glad we can still read your Blog!
Now that they have gotten rid of Kelley Day too, it is an even bigger disappointment. I’m sure that you both will find amazing opportunities in the future because you are both absolutely the BEST!!! Blessings to both of you!
I haven’t forgotten you Bruce, you are the greatest weatherperson in the NW.
You are too kind, thank you!
Bruce – so happy to have found your website. My husband has seen you at a local Mexican restaurant and you were gracious and friendly. Sorry to hear about not having your contract renewed with Channel 6. Myself, I am not watching that station anymore. . . guess I’ll check out old Andy on KPTV.
Hope you find your dream job!
Did I just hear your voice on a commercial this evening? I miss hearing it on the evening news. I also miss the great & funny dynamics between you, Kelley, and Jeff. Sad every time I flip it on & you 3 aren’t there together.
Yep, that was me. And in one of the commercials…it was the whole family!
Thanks for your note,
Thanks so much for your nice note…I really appreciate it.
We’ve sure had some sog fests around here this fall!
Take care,
I sure miss your weather reports on TV – but YAY! I just caught your commercial for NW Natural Appliance Center! A joyful moment of seeing an old friend.
Thanks so much for noticing the commercial. It was fun to do!
I appreciate your note.
Like so many others ,we too have changed channels when it comes to weather and news. So we just multuplied by 2 and now view channel 12!! Hope you are around the portland airwaves again soon!
Thanks, Sharolyn, I’ll let you know where I land!
Just wanted to stop by and say… MIZ!! Mizzou grad ’06 moved to Portland in September of this year.
ZOU! Welcome–and what are you doing here in Portland?
So super glad to see you again on the evening news sometimes…. Wish it were every night…
Hoping the best for you!
So wish you had applied for meteorologist position on the morning show over at KGW! They really need you!