It’s cruel.
But it’s not unusual.
This NOAA forecast has just one area of the entire country forecast to be unusually cool: Washington, Oregon & some other parts of the northwest!
The blue means unusually cool for April, May & June. For the second year in a row…that’s us! The Oranges & Browns mean unusually warm. No color means forecasters could not make the call either way.
But what about rain? Well, the NOAA forecasters did not make a call either way. But it’s been my experience that cool springs are almost always wet springs. Frequent storms & clouds keep temperatures down.
So, I think odds definitely favor a second very wet spring in a row.
And in the next few days–possibly enough rain to set a record for Portland’s wettest March on record! And we’ll have to watch for flooding issues.
La Nina may die off during April. But its impacts usually linger. That’s what happened last year. And it looks like we have a repeat on our hands.
Cruel, yes. Unusual? Not really!
Hi Bruce: Just the news I was afraid to get- another dreary wet spring! I don’t think we’ll set a rainfall record here in Vancouver for March. That’s at least one good thing, but the rest (the cloudiness ,cool temperatures) I certainly wish we could get rid of on April 1st. No foolin’!
Oh MY! What a wonderful 3 month forecast! I believe most of us could handle more cooler weather if we had about a month of dry warm sunny weather! Thank you for passing this along!