Here’s the electronic seismograph from Mt. Hood on Friday night September 7, 2012–at 9:57.
The bright red squiggle shows energy from the Willamette Valley 3.5 earthquake as it passed under the mountain.
Next, here’s the actual map of the epicenter–between Woodburn & Molalla!
This earthquake centered 27 miles south of Portland was pretty deep – nearly 20 miles below the surface. So that limits its power and energy that we can feel.
This is not terribly far from the Mt. Angel area – the epicenter of Oregon’s infamous ‘spring break quake.’
This map shows reports coming into the USGS from people who actually felt the quake. Interesting pattern that goes mainly north!
What’s strange about this earthquake? For me, it’s this: my wife & I were talking about some fatal earthquakes that hit China today. At that instant, our window cracked (I heard that) and our bed shook (my wife felt that). We both said, “What? Was that an earthquake?” I doubted it was–but my wife was convinced she’d felt a quake. She was right!
So, what does this earthquake mean? Most of the time–it’s just earth’s way of relieving stress along a fault line. But on very rare occasions–it can signal a bigger quake or perhaps be the start of a series of quakes in an area.
Hopefully this is in the ‘most of the time’ category!
Felt this while on a couch reading in South Waterfront Portland! Family didn’t feel it but I was sure it had to be an earthquake, so happy to see this post (looks like the first one up) and also hoping this is just a one off earth letting off some steam/stress! Thanks for the post.
Thanks for stopping by Christy–have a great weekend! (With no more quakes…)
I felt the quake while in my living room in inner SE Portland.
I wanted to have a closer look at the graphics here, but they are so small as to be virtually unreadable. Where can I find larger, more viewer-friendly versions?
Sorry, I did the post on the fly on my iPhone and that shrank my graphics! I’ve made two of the three maps bigger–so they’ll be plenty big when you click on them this time. Thanks for your post and have a great weekend!
I was sitting in my living room watching tv and I thought I felt an earthquake, looked outside but never felt any other movement. The awnings on my house had been creaking and popping for several hours before. I doubted it was an earthquake even though I had that ‘funny feeling’ in pit of my stomach. Thank you for doing such a good news job!
Reta–I know what you mean by that ‘funny feeling’ — earthquakes just seem to do that! Thanks for the post.
I felt it setting on my couch. For a fleeting minute thought that was a quake, said no my lmagination.
Joann–isn’t that so true? I always say, ‘no, that couldn’t have been a quake!” Thanks for your post.