I guess you can call it the meteor explosion ‘heard round the world.’
A falling meteor appears to have exploded (think sonic boom style) about 900 miles from Moscow, Russia. With so much force it reportedly shattered windows.
Video of the meteor exploding over Russia suddenly started trending on twitter.
Still photos and even more meteor video was being shared like crazy on Facebook.
And some of you took time to email and tweet me to say, ‘Hey, did you see this?’ Thank you!
As of news time, 11pm Portland time, we showed some of the video and I shared these facts (see the graphic) on air.
While I was doing my thing on KOIN Local 6 News, Portland Social Media Guru Gunnar Simonsen was putting together an amazing collection of possible Russian meteor video, Russian meteor photos and other Russian meteor related pictures. It’s too early to say if all of these are real–but it appears most of them are legit–so check it out.
As always, some people take advantage of situations like this–posting the most incredible videos ever–that turn out to be fake. Check out this video–it’s from a natural gas fire that left a huge crater years ago. But it was reposted after the meteor explosion as a ‘meteor crater’ — so don’t fall for this one!
More to come…
Bruce; I heard about that meteor early this morning (4am) while listening to the radio. At first I thought I heard that it was flying over central Washington! But that was just my ears tricking me. By the way , it’s beautiful here today (55F).
Roland, that’s funny. And it brings back memories: I remember when a fireball came ‘right over us’ when I was in Spokane, Washington, doing the weather. No loud explosion like this one…but the phones lit up.
Every caller was sure they saw it crash into a field–or just over the next hill, the mountains, etc. Those calls came in from Washington, Idaho, British Columbia & Montana. Whoops….it couldn’t of crashed everywhere! That thing was obviously much higher in the sky than any of us thought and the curvature of the earth made it seem like it went down ‘right over there…’
Also–our high today in Portland was 61. The warmest day of 2013 so far by a whopping six degrees. Thanks for the sunshine report from up north!