It was out over farm country southwest of Spokane where the winds can really whip around.
In this picture, you’re looking at a tornado (which is actually touching the ground) and a funnel cloud. A funnel cloud is a rotating cloud but by definition, does NOT touch the ground.
This all happened on Wednesday October 5th, the day that our strongest Pacific Storm of the fall swept across the northwest. The storm itself was not very impressive. But the way it pulled in a whole bunch of unusually cool air sure was. And that set off wild weather all over the place.
Over Beaverton, rain rates of over 1″ per hour.
Over Woodburn and Molalla, a thunderstorm with lightning strikes that nearly hit the local fire station!
For Yakima, WA it was a funnel cloud. And closer to Spokane, this tornado-funnel cloud combo.
It was fall’s first big push of the year, for sure. With Portland having three days in a row (October 5-7) where we could not even hit 60.
Hello fall. I wonder what else you’ll throw our way–and can’t wait to see it!
Thanks for posting this Bruce! I didn’t realize how crazy of a fall season it has already been! Just thought it was colder than normal, but when you put everything together it shows a wild pattern!