When your six year old tells you, “Dad, I wish it was winter right now,” then you know it must be incredibly hot.
When Portland tops 80 by 11am then you know something’s just not right.
And when a spot along the Oregon Coast called ‘Cape Foulweather’ is 88 degrees and sunny, you know the weather’s just plain crazy!
New Record Highs Set Saturday August 4, 2012 – Oregon & SW Washington
- 103 degrees – Vancouver (old: 99/1952)
- 102 degrees – Portland Airport  (old: 100/1990)
- 102 degrees – Salem (tie: 102/1932)
- 101 degrees – McMinnville (old: 100/1952)
- 101 degrees – Eugene (old: 100/1990)
- 92 degrees – Astoria! – (old: 88/1932)
- 86 degrees – Newport! – (old: 76/1990)
Here’s more on how the rainy northwest can suddenly turn so hot!
NW Oregon & SW Washington Cities In The Triple Digits
105 degrees
Forest Grove
104 degrees
Oregon City
103 degrees
102 degrees
Portland (PDX)
101 degrees (this is the ‘popular’ high of the day!)
Sweet Home (a hot Oregon Jamboree!)
100 degrees
Downtown Portland
Incredible High Temperatures At The Coast
97 – Pacfic City
95 – Tillamook
92 – Astoria
91 – Cape Meares
89 – Rockaway
88 – Cape Foulweather
86 – Oceanside
86 – Newport
80 – Lincoln City
Reported highs I’m not sure I believe…but can’t totally rule out…101 in Garibaldi & 102 in Seaside. Hmmm. We may never know for sure!
So did you enjoy the heat? I loved it. It felt like we were on vacation to Palm Desert. Besides that, I’m a weather guy. I love all extremes and I’ve gotten in trouble many times for being too excited about weather like this! And weather like this (100 degrees in Portland) only happens every few years and usually doesn’t last too long.
But the ‘best use of triple digit heat’ award goes to Joseph who posted this on my Facebook weather page: “…it’s a great day for our homemade solar oven! 2 batches of cookies so far and rolls are baking as I type!” I wish I would’ve thought of that.
I’ll be ready the next time we hit 100…
Hi Bruce,
On Saturday at 5:30pm, a weather sign in Silverton, Oregon said 103 degrees. They were probably warmer than that. I was on my way home from something in Silverton (not the Homer Davenport Days) and saw that sign.
Boy though, 105 here in Keizer!
(@mrsjanae on Twitter)
Thanks for your post. Glad you survived the heat & I’ll look you up on twitter!
Hi Bruce: We went over 90F here on Saturday for the first time this year (90.5F). Ironically, it wasn’t a record for the date, as we had a higher temperature on Aug.4th, 1993,(93F) while Sunday’s maximum was slightly lower but a record. I’m happy it’s cooler today, though. Your 100-plus temperatures would have been too warm for me!
With another sunny day here I feel like we must be coming close to a record of sunny days! Do you have an idea of what the longest stretch of no rain has been?
this summer is turning out to be quite dandy.
I agree that this summer’s turning out pretty well. We are now at 18 dry days in a row–but the record is more than twice that. So we have a ways to go! Thanks for your post on the blog!
Happy Monday Bruce:
I am so glad to see your blog about Saturday’s extreme temperature. We were on the Clackamas River rafting and I never learned what the actual temperature was, but I did spend most of the trip floating next to my raft in the water because it was so hot! I loved the heat but I am thankful that we don’t get too many of those days here in the Pacific Northwest.
You were rafting the Clackamas during the heat? I’m jealous. Hope it was fun!