Can you see the llamas in this picture?
Probably not, because they suddenly found themselves up to their necks in water during flooding in McMinnville, Oregon, on Friday January 20, 2012.
Heidi sent us a series of pictures–and told the story of what she witnessed:
“On Riverside loop rd. in McMinnville Oregon, Friday at about 10:30am we drove by a farm and watched a rescue of 3 llamas who had been stranded all night by the river in water up to their necks.
Two men with a small row boat went out over the flooded waters and tied ropes around the lamas necks and hooked them to themselves as they rowed as hard as they could to get themselves and the lamas back to safety over the raging waters. While rowing with all their might, as they pulled the lamas into deeper and more rushing flood waters, the lamas had a real struggle to keep afloat. The lamas kept going under water and we were
afraid they wouldn’t make it.
They kept rowing as fast as they could to get them to safety, it seemed to take forever!We were very relieved when they made it halfway to a higher place where they could stand. The men and lama’s were very wet and cold when they made it to the barn. I felt very emotional. The lady who owned the lama’s was crying. We are glad they are now safe! Neck Deep In Water!
Almost Out!
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