If you’ve been wondering why Kelley Day is no longer on KOIN 6 News, it is because the latest owners and management at the station decided not to renew her contract.
She is a great friend and colleague. And she is also very respected in Portland’s journalism circles. Not only is she a native Oregonian, she also is an excellent journalist. I will miss seeing her on the news. But with as much talent as she has it’s only a matter of time before she pops up again on a TV screen near you!
Original Interview from June 17, 2011
She’s not afraid to ask the tough questions.
She’s personally interviewed some of the biggest names in politics, like Barack Obama, while he was running for President.
And she absolutely adores—make that practically worships—pugs.
In my ongoing series of Friday interviews I’m talking with KOIN Local 6 News Anchor Kelley Day.
#1: A lot of people know you grew up in the Portland area. But did you always know you wanted to be a news anchor?
I remember telling my mother I wanted to be a news anchor when I was 15. I was watching Connie Chung, and said, “I want to do that”. My parents were wonderful… and told me I could do anything.
 #2: I always tell people TV is kind of a nomadic business when you start out. Which cities did you work in before coming to home to Portland?
My first internship was in the Carmel/Salinas/Monterey market back in 1991. I spent a summer there… then went back to U of Arizona to finish my senior year. I interned at KVOA in Tucson during my senior year… then got an associate producing job there. After I graduated in 1992, I did some reporting there… and then landed my first full time reporting job in Boise at KIVI in 1994. I anchored the morning show there… and moved on to KSL in Salt Lake City in 1996 to anchor mornings as well. Then in 1998, I landed my dream job, back home here at KOIN.Â
#3: Tell us one ‘behind the scenes story’ – something no one watching the news would’ve known about (until now).
Here’s a funny ‘behind the scenes’ story. When I was reporting in the field… My assignment editor sent me out to do a story on cryonics… because of the Michael Jackson rumor that he was going to preserve himself through freezing. They told me they found a place in Portland that did this… and gave me the address. My photographer and I showed up… and asked where they kept the bodies… and found out that it was a cryogenics lab that froze things… but certainly NOT bodies. We all got a good laugh about it… and diverted to another story that day!!Â
#4: You and your husband has ‘three little love bugs’ at your house. Can you introduce us to them? You do call them ‘love bugs’, right?
My 3 love bugs (and yes, I call them that) are the light of my life. Oscar, Spanky and Daisy. My 3 little pugs. The unconditional love they give every single day is such a blessing. And with 3 of them… it’s like a cartoon strip every day in my house!!
 #5: Last question, asked because people ask me all the time. Do you really like your co-anchor Jeff Gianola? Or are you just faking it?Finally, I not only like Jeff Gianola… I truly love the guy. I consider him one of my closest friends. He is such an amazing news anchor… but he’s an even better person, father and friend.
Awww how fun are they …And I do believe you though.. Dogs give the most unconditional love. Odie has given me more than I could ever return.. Have a wonderful weekend!
Bruce Sussman might have a most forgettable face, but I can not take my eyes off of Kelly Days very beautiful wholesome face! When she is reporting on the 5 o’clock news, I often turn the sound down and just watch her beautiful smile light up the screen. I never listen to women anyway. what man does?
Great Interview, Bruce. I can say that along with Jeff Gianola, You and the rest of the KOIN Local 6 News Crew, I can trust Kelley Day with the news. It also doesn’t hurt that she has a Million Mega-Watt smile either.
Thanks, Ernest. And you’re right–Kelley’s smile lights up the screen!
It is disgusting that Kelly’s contract was not renewed.
The new lady is nice but Kelly is one of us!! ‘
Kelly had become, over my years in Portland, one of my most favorite anchors EVER and a large part of my loyalty to KOIN. I will miss you but hope to see you soon!!
I’m in complete agreement. Kelley and Jeff’s rapport couldn’t be beat. I feel like I’ve lost a family member. KOIN may suffer a big audience loss with this decision. Jeff, Kelley and Bruce made the most phenomenal team. I’m not sure I want to reward crazy behavior like KOIN’s choosing not to renew Kelley’s contract, by continuing to give them my loyal audience.
I agree, she was the main reason I would even watch local news rather than read it online. She did a great job and brought the local experience to it. I haven’t watched KOIN news since she has been gone.
I totally agree. I dont care for the new person. She has no personally. I miss Kelly and Jeff. They were a great team. Will be changing which news I watch because of this. So sad.
I agree. I just saw a clip of the new gal and I have to say I will not be back when I get cable again next month. People in power make decisions that will come back to bite them and I think this is the case. Goodbye Koin!!
Why do the people in power always think they should make changes–KOIN had an excellent news and weather team with Kelley, Jeff, and Bruce. They made the news almost bearable to watch.
Good Bye KOIN–you’re not the only station in town!
Leave it poor management to make decisions viewers would never make. Time to boycott Channel 6.
I tuned to different channel as well! I hope she gets picked up by another local news program! Its really nice to have a native Oregonian on our local news. She doesn’t seem to be on social media either, so nowhere to throw our support.
Left KOIN when I learned Kelly was no longer on staff. People like her make the business have a bottom line. Big KGW fan now as are a lot of friends.
Here it is a year later, and we still refuse to watch KOIN weather during the week, and rarely even the news there anymore. Was happy to see Bruce filling in on KATU weather one weekend not long ago. We don’t know how often that occurs since the KGW teams, mostly because of Matt, usually have our attention.
A lot of new faces around the news lately, and most rarely pronounce local names correctly. Bubbly personality ain’t everything… Kelley has that plus she never flubs or mispronounces anything. Coming from out of the area to buy a popular broadcast entity and promptly shaking up the accepted, esteemed, and native anchor crew isn’t very bright.
It stinks. The new anchor is very nice but we considered Kelly Day to be part of our family and these so called money people need to leave alone what is already working with their audience. Now if you pull the same garbage with Jeff, you can kiss us goodbye.
How in the world could they let Kelly go.
It just proves the theory,
“Because you have the authority doesn’t mean you know what you are doing.”
I hope Kelly stays in the Portland area.
Kelly, Jeff and Bruce have been the “pleasant end of my day” for so many years. I’d record the late news and watch it as I was going to bed. I’ll never understand why “new owners and management” feel so compelled to make boneheaded moves, the vast majority of which are detrimental to the business they’re supposed to want to succeed (this will be one of those mistakes). It’s gotta be an ego move – they do it purely because they can, and they don’t care what negative consequences come of it.
Kellie Day was a bright spot on the news. Too bad the gutless owners didn’t have the guts to let people know why she was let go.
I agree; I cannot believe they did not announce her leaving. When I called the station to inquire, the newsroom person said she’s gone and that he had no clue why? The new owners are gutless, to say the least.
It just occurred to me today after trying to get answers as to where “Kelly is” to look online. What a shame that she is gone. I miss you Kelly Day . . . not TV news particularly, but you! You were a pleasure to watch; best wishes to you, Kelly.
I really miss Kelly and Bruce’s friendly faces when I turn on the news.
What on earth were they thinking not renewing her contract.
The magic is missing between the newscast team.
I just learned from all the comments here why I have not seen you and Kelly Day. I have watched you, Kelly and Jeff together since early 2000, moved out of the Vancouver and came back in 2004 and been watching Koin 6 then. I have seen you broadcasting with my then 8 year old son at OMSI. Now that you both are gone, we are not watching Channel 6 anymore. I hope some local network in Portland will hire you. Big loss for Koin 6.
I was shocked to hear this. She will be missed by all of us KOIN watchers. These new owners are ruining the station! Kelly and Bruce gone!
Hey Bruce, for your interview series, could you interview the rest of the KOIN Local 6 News Now Team? I’ve seen the interview with Chad Carter and I think you’ve done one with Matt Brode. If not, can you add him, Alexis Del Cid and Carly Kennelly to your short list?
I would love to take Kelley Day out on a date.
Me First!!! What a loss for KOIN……
I just learned Kelly Day is no longer with Koin6. Wow! How rude and arbitrary. Kelly is one of the best. Kind of part of the family.
I agree that Kelley is awesome & I miss her on the news already!
Im clearly not happy that you and Ms. Day are no longer employed by KOIN. I sent them a nastygram when they let you go and they did not answer. I guess if I did the same about Kelley I would get the same in return. I will watch my favorite CBS shows but Im not going to watch their news anymore. Im switching to 2.
Thank you Bruce for all you do. You are a stand up guy and I like you.
I agree! I boycotted KOIN last August, however, I would still watch Jeff and Kelley, and only them. Now there is no reason to watch, I love them together. To bad Jeff doesn’t leave and join Kelley wherever she pops up next. I wish you well though!
Your station has lost another viewer… Thanks management…
what a mistake she was the best thing on tv news guess we will go back to channel 8. she is very much a lady and very knowledgable about Oregon. what a loss.
This is such bad news – I watch KOIN primarily because of her and then Jeff. Why is it that smart people do really dumb things like letting go of your best part.
I’m getting really tired of the changes on KOIN….i’ve watched News 6 for ever, for the people that were on it not these new people. Maybe time to switch to channel 2 ;-). They let the good people go and keep the ones that grate on your nerves…..
I agree. I watched KOIN news BECAUSE of the people they had…Jeff, Kelly, Bruce, Ken, etc. Now I will, as a matter of principal, no longer turn my television to channel six betwen 4 and 7 p.m. The new owners will have to live with the “business” decisions they’ve made.
Where is Bruce Sussman and where is Kelly Day? I realize Bruce left some time ago and I didn’t see Kelly tonight, but was introduced to Jennifer. Could you please give the public a little more information as to where they are. Don’t tell me Kelly is gone. Come on.
Our contracts were not renewed. Thank you for your questions!
Well it sucks I watch KOIN because of you and Kelly. Jeff will be gone next. I guess I am going to have to watch channel 12 at night too. To many changes to fast. Why on earth would they not renew Kelly, she was a news icon. You were a Weather icon and still are. Funny how things change and how the owners and management make bad decisions. They will be sorry when the rating tank!
Bruce, my husband and I have been watching KOIN 6 for many years. I watched Mike Donahue for years ( even went to church with his mother-n-law in Lakeview ) We moved to Bend in 2005 and enjoyed Bob Shaw.. and were disappointed to leave… BUT arriving back in Portland in 2010.. we were thrilled to get to know you as our new weather man!! and also Kelly Day as our favorite Anchor…. we are saddened and disappointed at SO many changes and too many new faces at KOIN. It is not the same. We follow the people.. not the station. Heres hoping you and Kelly are back on the air soon.
Along w/Kelly, you were a primary reason for my loyalty to KOIN. Want you both back ASAP.
I feel bad for you both. It sucks when you work in the public eye and your viewers get to know you and then the company does you dirty like that. Maybe if all of us protest, they will quit letting the good ones go.
I enjoyed watching you and Kelly report the news and weather over the years and hope to see you both on another station soon.
KOIN lost me too! I loved the old team with Bruce and Kelley. This new girl has no personality. Miss you guys! Best of luck!
Well, first Bruce and now Kelley is gone. Another reason to no longer watch KOIN.
And Chad Carter is also gone..
It seems that in the media circus the best people are put last. Kelley was one of the only reasons that I watched KOIN now the other guys may be the best show in town. I hope she finds a better place as well.
I saw Kellie do solo anchor spots several times and she never missed a beat–and THAT’S not easy to do. And Bruce I know you “eat, sleep, and drink” weather that made me trust your reporting.
Sooo disappointed that Kelley is no long on the air. I watched her replacement last night and guess we will be watching KATU from now on. You come to believe in the people who give you the news and to have the changes at the 4 and 5 time slots does not make any sense. I’m sure it has to do with money.
I am so upset with KOIN for not renewing Bruce’s contract and now Kelly!!! I will also be switching to Channel 2. New management stinks!!!
As a long time viewer of Channel 6, after not seeing Kellie Day anymore, the new chick is certainly boring and I no longer will be watching your news. I will use Channel 8
Still can’t get over Bruce and especially Kelly. The new chick has speech problems, and awkwardness in delivery. Am I the only one to notice this? Tonight she said “nifferent, I mean different”…..bring those two professionals back!
PS, no longer watch….just Scott Pelley at 630! Truly sad Koin…
People like consistency in viewing the news. We start to TRUST those we watch. Between losing Bruce Sussman and now Kelley Day , we will be looking for another news channel to watch after 40 years. If Jeff is wise he will move on before the ax falls on him and they hire a 30 year old blond to take his place.
Tiresome to see so many of the regular people getting the ax. The new weather person has a rapid fire speech that even she can’t keep up with. She has to visibly stop to breath! Kelly and Jeff were a part of our afternoon and now Kelly’s gone. Jeff will be next and KOIN will have lost this family completely. If Sally hadn’t come back to mornings and Jenny hadn’t taken the place of the village idiot we’d stay with NBC for all our news. People need to tell these reporters they’re not NEARLY as cute s they think they are.
I love Jeff but it is not the same with the new anchor. I too feel he will be the next one to go!!! Koin Management you are cutting your own throats!!
Miss Bruce and Kelley…will be watching another station for news..Don’t like the new choices of news staff.
First I could not believe you let Bruce Sussman go but you people don’t know where its at. Now kelly Day? you guys got to be kidding. I changed from channel two at 5:00 to koin to watch Kelly Day. Well guess what koin 6 is history for me. Kelly, good luck your the best. bill Auda, central Oregon.
Unbelievable….I can’t believe you got rid of Kelley and Bruce. Switching to another station.
Miss you, Bruce. Sad about Kelley. Time to change the channel!
I have watched KOIN news since before Kelley started there. I can’t believe you guys can be so rude and inconsiderate of your viewers. You promised there would be no changes with the new ownership, obviously blatant LIES!!! First Alexis, Kasey, Bruce and now Kelley!!!! I wonder if I should look for a new station myself. Jeff I’ll miss you when I leave KOIN.
Alexis and Kacey left by choice to move on to bigger television markets closer to their hometowns.
I agree I will switch to chanel 8
So sorry to hear that Kelly has been let go. I haven’t been watching KOIN since you left Bruce and now I have even more reason not to watch them. I really don’t care for Jennifer. I always enjoyed listening to Kelly and Jeff. Such a shame. Good luck to you Kelly, hope you find a place soon, you will be missed.
My husband always changed the channel because Bruce Sussman was gone whe it was time for the weather. Now ther is no reason to watch it at all. Will watch regie on channel 8
First Bruce, now Kelley.I haven’t seen Jeff for awhile. Is he next? I guess I won’t be watching KOIN news anymore. They were the only reason I watched. I’ll change to KGW until they do something stupid.
I agree. Too many changes for the worse. It seems to happen every time they change owners. I didn’t like it when they got rid of Shirley and moved Mike from main anchor. There is something to be said about loyalty to the viewers. Guess it’s time to change stations.
I am so sorry to have lost both Bruce and Kelley!! Like others here, I think it is time to find a new channel for the news! Good luck to both of you! I hope you find your dream job soon, but I hope it is in Portland!
Hi Bruce:
Kelley is gone now too! Too bad there isn’t another local TV station to go to with as much good weather and news coverage as KOIN used to have. Hope you both stay in the area and maybe start something independent?
Beings u let Kelly go I will no longer watch Koin 6.
Another sad day in Koin history. I hope folks write in and demand they hire, Bruce and Kelley back.
I for the life of me don’t understand all the management folks. They should be let go not Bruce, Kelley and Chad.
Sad, Sad………Kelley was the best and that smile was a real pleasure to see every day.
I suppose Jeff will be next, really hard to understand what these KOIN exec’s are thinking.
All done with Channel SIX News.
My best to you Kelley….and Jeff, hope you survive ( if you even care anymore)
i am from bend 10 yrs now from seattle. i like koin as our small town news sucks ktvz. it is interns and never a same face. sad kelly is moving on. i love she is an animal advocate and a great anchor. may kelly find a better place to rise in her life. blessings. missed. thank you jeff
Couldn’t agree more with those earlier posts. Not sure what KOIN is thinking. Switched back to Matt for the weather when Bruce left. Time to switch permanently now. Kelly will land on her feet too, and I’ll be watching.
I’ve stopped watching your evening news. What are you thinking? Kelly was great and I am no longer going to watch KOIN nes,
I am now changing my news watching after 25 plus years with KOIN 6. Bruce was the. best weatherman Portland has seen in decades. Chad gone. Now Kelley Day. Bring on Channel 8 news. No more KOIN NEWS for me. The new owners don’t have a pulse on the Portland Market. Bruce, you are missed so much in my house. We trusted and respected you and your professioalism.
I apologize about a typo above, but the message is loud and clear. Time to bond with a new news station! I am a bit heated that they gutted a great news crew! No disrespect to the new news crew, but we had a great news team already.
Thank you so much for your kind post. I really appreciate your family’s support!
switched to channel 8 when Sussman was not renewed but watch the weather when Sally is on.
I’m glad you’re watching Sally. She is so good!
We were shocked when Bruce was suddenly gone. How could a TV station send the region’s best weatherman – someone who’s a professional, is personable, and has that sense of gravitas that many of the newer ones lack – down the road? It was a mystery. Then, the other day, something seemed off. What??? Kelley is gone too? And Jeff is no longer on in the evenings? That was the last straw and I e-mailed the general manager to tell her so. As someone commented earlier, after so many years with the same news team they do seem like family. And so, we’ve gone to another station. Final confirmation is that we deleted KOIN News from our DVR schedule. I hope you both find new positions soon. Actually, I know you will.
Bruce left we thought you ruined weather. Now that Kelly is gone we will be watching 8 . we have been watching for 30 plus years so long.
Wow i think I need to look at the other networks.
Sure miss Bruce and Kelly made my evening. What a waste of good reporters.
The weather is a blur and no friendly smiles…..A new station is on my horizon.
koin new persons no disrespect. owners are idiots. enjoy the falling of your news. idiots. dont change what works and we like. any sponsers i will call and not use the product or service. do it here in bend. meat heads…blessings all lets kick these dumb asses into shape. luvs
I was so upset when Bruce left. And now Kelly is gone. My husband was so upset that he refuses to watch Koin anymore. New staff, I’m sure you’re good at what you do, but the management shouldn’t mess with a team that was awesome already. If Bruce and Kelly had wanted to move on, that we could have handled. But to let go of them just because you didn’t want to pay them what they are worth, really sucks.
How sad that Kelley is no longer there. A major mistake was made when she no longer has a contract with new owners. Shame on you!!! A huge and popular pair, Jeff and Kelley. No longer watch KOIN news, NO sparkle!!!
I miss kelley day….she was very professional and pretty, I’ll avoid koin tv. Bad choice koin!
I did leave a comment above. But do so agree, with everybody else. We had a Dream Team, and they have been taken from us. I have moved on now to Ch 8, and sometimes channel 2. I do miss seeing Jeff Gianola, will check on him if he is still doing his Wednesdays child, The team we had, made listening to the news, much easier, and I still miss Bruce.’s cheerful way. And now Kelley’s smile , gone too. So stupid. Well new owners, you have really made an impact on Portland. Not a good one.
We were furious when you let the best weatherman ever…(Bruce Sussman)..go & we are still worried about him and his family…hoping he gets hired somewhere where he is appreciated!! His total dedication and enthusiasm for his job was such a joy to see. ALWAYS A BIG SMILE AND UPBEAT PERSONALITY!!! He could explain any
weather situation so
anyone could understand it!! The new gal just jabbers on and on so fast…I miss the jist of it all. Younger snd cute just does not explain the WHY of that “switch”. I do not get it!!!???
Kelly Day is the BEST.. I have often said she easily could be “stolen away” by FOX News or some other major news channel because she is that good!! Love her sweet, caring personality…big smile…animal-lover heart!! Truly a professional & perfectly fit for the Portland Market. She loves her city!!!! How can the nrw management be soooo clueless????? Cannot believe the stupidity of this decision.
Jeff has not been seen!! Either he was so angry about Kelly being let go that he stormed off…or did they just not renew his contract also???
would love to see her on fox. kelly is a bright spirit. shame koin. like the old team. not old brightning spirit filled. hope jeff stands ground. fire the gm. she wont answer calls. i told her to go work at mcdonalds. bring all back.
Kelly came from Fox and I followed her and hope to see her and Bruce end up locally. Don’t know how many years (guess since Kelly went to 6) we have watched Koin but no more.
At first, I was shocked when KOIN let Bruce go and now Kelley? Big mistake! These professional and talented people were the best that the Portland evening news had to offer. It just goes to show that even though you are the best, it doesn’t matter these days. I am certain that Bruce and Kelley will move on to bigger and better things.
Sorry to hear that Kelly is no longer with KOIN…sad when Bruce was let go…. will find another team to watch. Think new owners made a big mistake….
I used to watch KATU then watched KOIN and got hooked on Bruce for weather and loved Kelley Day, that was a number of years ago. Now that the so called experts have decided to gut the best news team in the NW I’m headed back to KATU.
Hey local news exec’s there are 2 incredibly like able newscasters available, if you want to increase your ratings I’d suggest snagging one or both up ASAP!
Miss you Bruce, love you Kelley!
Rocky…thanks so much. Loved the part about hiring us.
Have a great August!
Kelley is an absolutely perfect news anchor. She is classy, smart, knowledgeable , radiant and has great rapport with co-anchors and reporters. Looking forward to seeing her and Bruce again soon on another station.
I totally agree about Kelley. Thanks for the nice post!
humble bruce. class dude.
Heck Bruce, with the talent you and Kelley have………..plus ‘The Great Smiles’ you can start your own TV News Station.
Keep us posted and all the luck to both of you!
Miss you guys….trying to get used to Channel 8 again.
Who do you think watches the news daily? Those of us over 40. Bruce and Kelley have been a part of our daily lives for a long time. I assume there is new and young management calling the shots. Guess time will tell if it was a smart decision.
Miss Bruce and now Kelley. Someone needs to be fired over this. Big mistake! Will watch ch 2 or ch 8.
I will never watch koin 6 again. Decided it wasnt worth it after what happened to Bruce but keep watching a bit because of Kelly and Jeff. I wish Jeff well, but obviously the management does not know what it is doing. I hope many boycott the station. Kelly, Jeff, and Bruce were the great team that always kept my news to channel 6. Sad day. Wish you all well and the very best.
Kimberly, Albany, OR
I so agree with Kimberly, what was the network thinking???? now this is the second time Kelley was let go. I stopped watching channel 6 for letting her go the first time. I will boycott channel 6 again. it may be all about business but who ever made this choice should be the one to be let go. it is a very sad day for a channel 6 ( koin news ) fan.
Very poor decision to let Kelly go. Shame on them!
I totally agree – someone wasn’t thinking well here! What happened? – My husband Keith and I watched Koin instead of other channels because of the personable Kelley Day! What a Lady!
I really miss you, Bruce. Now Kelley gone….. guess I’l be getting my news here on the computer.
Thank you for your kind message. We appreciate it!
Have a great week.
I have been wondering where Kelley Day has been. I was afraid her absence was going to be for the same reason as the departure of Bruce. I am very disappointed. I have been a regular viewer of Portland news for 40 years. Local broadcasters like Bruce and Kelley become part of the viewer’s daily routine and most people do not like change in their routine. (I remember when KOIN dismissed Shirley Hancock; still miss her). It is hard to explain, but Bruce and Kelley have a “Portland presence” about them. The new person just does not “fit in.” There is also a matter of chemistry that cannot be manufactured with replacements. I already miss Bruce, but Kelley will definitely be missed by this viewer. Not only is she an excellent anchor, but also the parent of Pugs. As a fellow Pug par ent, I truly enjoyed it when she would often mention her Pugs. I will also definitely be switching to another station. KOIN news now has a feel like it is being broadcast from another state.
I was wondering what happened to you two. No offense Bruce, but Kelly is the most beautiful news anchor on the planet. Her upbeat personality makes the news worth watching in light of all the reports of the bad things happening around the world and community, I keep watching KOIN news to see if Kelley would return from her vacation. Now I know.
I’ve been watching weather on other channels. Weather reports don’t make much sense without Bruce. I really liked how he explained the weather . . . not just reported it.
Aside from watching Survivor, I have no use for KOIN anymore.
No offense taken…Kelley definitely has me beat in the looks department!
Thanks for your support.
We have watched the KOIN news at 5:00 for several years and enjoyed seeing Bruce, Kelly and Jeff every night after work. First KOIN changed the format with the new “look and feel”, which is not as warm and appealing as it used to be. Then Bruce suddenly disappeared and the twit from out of state began doing the weather. We find the new girl really annoying! Now Kelly Day has been replaced by the blonde with no personality. Looks like we will be changing the channel to KGW for the evening news!
I know I will be change my news channel. I think taken Kelly off was a big mistake. The new person needs to look like she want to be there and get some personality. The few times I have seen her she looks like she is just reading what has been written. So long Kelly hopes to see you soon on another news channel. Until then the best of luck to you.
I don’t plan on watching Koin anymore. I can’t believe they would not renew the contracts for two very well loved and seasoned family members of the station. Kelley is a local girl, who I have watched on a TV for at least a decade or longer. Every evening my husband would say ” Let’s see what Bruce says about tomorrow.” I guess to big wigs, that it doesn’t matter who does the news. But, to us in the PNW, it does. We feel like we know you guys, see you on the side of the MAX, on buses, and all over our town, besides being in our homes every day. That’s the way many of us are. Sorry, KOIN, I am sorry for Jeff, as he has lost several co anchors over the years. He and Kelley were very close, according to her. I don’t wish bad for Jeff, but, I we will be finding a different news station in the evening.
Koin I cannot believe that you have made at least 2 very bad decisions. I have watched Koin news for the eight years that I have lived in Oregon. The people at Koin are like a family. They were all happy and it showed. I will not watched you any more. I dislike the new people.
Goodbye Koin!!!!
It seems that some of you posting (for whatever reason) think you’re posting on a KOIN website, this is Bruce’s personal site. So when your yelling in your comments with things like “How could you do this?” “You made a huge mistake!” and “We will no longer watch your station.” You are not getting those those comments to their intended target, since this is Bruce’s site.
Bruce, Love ya, miss ya, you a great Man and a class act all the way. I’m sure you’ll be doing what you want to be doing soon. In the meantime I’ve loved keeping up with all your summer exploits on Facebook. You’re the best in the biz man. Good luck.
We know this is Bruce’s website but i would think if the management was smart they would look at the website to see how many people are upset but come to think about it they are not smart at all. At least we can all vent on this website!! Miss you Bruce and Kelley.
Bruce, my wife and I have enjoyed your forecasts…your love for meteorology showed in all of them…wow, someone who loves their job? INFECTIOUS!! We live on the street your brother-in-law Andy lives on and ask about you from time to time…maybe have you guys over for coffee sometime. Yes, new ownership of businesses make poor decisions and not renewing you and Kelly’s contracts is a bad move. Blessings to you and your family in the future.
Great hearing from you guys and I really appreciate your nice post!
Be sure & say hi next time we’re over in the neighborhood. Have a great weekend!
Bruce, it was bad enough that you were let go but now Kelly too at least you have good company. Hope to see you back on TV soon and Kelly too.
Any updates? called gm at koin numberous times. See Jeff is holding the show. Up pay and lets get the crew back with great contracts. dump gm. must be a family member of new owners.
I’ve been trying for days to find out why Kelley wasn’t on the news. I was STUNNED to find out she was let go!!! Well I guess I won’t be watching KOIN any more!! I’ve watched Kelley for yrs on the news. I was angry when Bruce was let go, now I’m furious!!! I have an idea. How about the management being fired & bring back Bruce & Kelly. If management thinks they’re going to increase ratings, I got news for them, WRONG!! Ain’t gonna happen!
Had KOIN on season pass on Tivo at both 6 and 11. Canceled them both today! What channel will you and Kelly be on next? That’s the one I will watch.
really going to miss you Kelley Day. Had not seen your FB posts for awhile. Was totally shocked to read the news. You always lit up my FB. All it is now is vacation time for you and maybe watch more of those ships come in. Hope to see ya again real soon.
So sorry to see the people on KOIN 6 being let go, always enjoyed Bruce and Kelly. The people replacing them don’t come close to filling their shoes. Switching to Channel 8 at least they seem to value their employees.
Very upsetting to loose such a great weatherman and news anchor because of not renewing there contracts. The way to get at KOIN is to sound off to there advertisers.. When they find out there spending ad dollars and nobody is watching, The KOIN management will have to answer for there actions! Hit them in the pocket book to get there attention..
Bad move Kelley was awesome. Channel 2 looks pretty good.
we still miss you Bruce Sussman, and now Kelley Day…..hope both of you surface soon on one of the other networks….you both were phenomenal! thx!
Thank you so much for your nice post. We both appreciate it!
My wife and I moved to Portland in 1984. We have switched channels back and forth for most of these years. KOIN Management made our switching easier. Just recently you terminated Amy Troy, then it was Bruce Sussman and now Kelley Day. We have had enough of KOIN and will watch for Bruce and Kelley to show up on other channels who appreciate good weathermen and anchor personnel. Just like we watch Amy Troy on channel 12……..Big mistake one after another on your part.
Just wanted to say I AGREE, NO MORE CH SIX .two of your best gone, me too.
KOIN has no idea what they have done. I considered Jeff & Kelley the best anchor team in PDX. I will miss seeing Jeff this is the last straw……KGW is my new station. They seem to keep their talented news teams together.
No Kelley. she was the bright spot about the news on KOIN. Well, hello, ABC, or NBC. I don’t know who is making decisions but someone should take a good, hard, look at that person. Sad.
Won’t be watching KOIN news anymore, tired of seeing all our favorites get kicked to the curb. Hope Bruce and Kelley get picked up by another local station.
I too am very upset with KOIN 6’s new management. I watched the news at 6 for Bruce’s weather and the interaction between Kelly and Jeff. Now that both Kelly and Bruce are gone so am I and my family. Bruce’s weather forecasting is the best I have ever seen. It is so nice to see someone who really likes what they do and I got that impression when I watch him do the weather. Kelly and Jeff were the best anchor’s in Portland’s market I felt Oh well I am moving to KGW no since watching the KOIN broadcast anymore.
Bruce, I was so sorry so see you leave KOIN…I really appreciated your spot on weather report. Being native Oregonian I thought that your forecast was more accurate than most…Now Kelley is no longer with KOIN. I’m so disappointed about not watching you both on the news…It was the highlight of my television watching. I guess I’ll have to get used to watching some other network…If something isn”t broken you shouldn’t try to fix it…shame on the management of KOIN. What are they thinking??? Oh, wait, they aren’t. I wish you and Kelley success in your future endeavors. You will be missed and not forgotten. Good luck to you both…if I’m lucky you each will join another local station so we can still see you.
I watched Koin 6 every night. I loved Kelly and Bruce. I will be switching to Channel 2 now.
I am so disappointed that you have let KELLEY go. She is such a gifted anchor and you should not let a good person go like that. And that goes for Bruce Sussmann as well. He was a super weather man and everybody loves him and Kelley too. You made a big mistake in not renewing these great people. I believe your ratings will go down because of this and so deserved! You are NOT my favorite news station any more. Bye Bye……
Sorry to see them both go, Bruce was entertaining as well as informative. After he left I did notice a slight change in Kelly’s demeanor. I just had a feeling that she was next. I am sure the replacements are very nice. Sally is effervescent and a cute personality. My husband and I really like Bruce with his presentations, Kelly too hope they can both find something locally.
Feeling sad tonight after watching KOIN news. My husband and I hadn’t seen Kelley and thought she was on vacation. I was hoping to find information on your site, and can’t believe the news! First we lost you Bruce, (our favorite weather man ever)!!!! And now Portland’s brightest star is gone also. Tell Kelley she will be missed. Change is NOT always best. Hopefully the network will realize their terrible mistake, when the two of you find new awesome jobs somewhere else. I never watched the news until about 10yrs ago and you guys became my “News” dream team!! So sorry this has happened, and wish you both the best in all things. My mom use to always say “This storm shall pass and tomorrow will be ever so much brighter”! God’s blessings!
Bruce it is your everyday knowledge of weather and the space between here and there which impressed me. An ‘old school man’ who actually knew what he was talking about not just because the graphics state it so. Celestial phenom, cloud education, earthquake trends. You covered those areas and others gracefully in the weather vane without any attachments of an agenda. Pure weather!
Of course my thoughts about the management change-up for KOIN: it seems a little someone’s thoughtless about the human relationship aspect and how that plays out at local level for this size market. I miss the earnest and yet practical weather & sky advise from Bruce!
Kelly was just a natural as well documented with earlier comments. She will be missed and my tv news time has since been shuffled about too.
I can’t believe both Bruce and Kelly are gone!!! What is management thinking?? Was it a money issue because this was a bad decision!! The new people are nowhere near as capable and professional as these two were. KOIN has been our favorite news channel for years but no longer. We will be choosing another news channel from now on. We hope Bruce & Kelly show up soon so we can follow them….
My husband & I are so saddened that first, Bruce, & now Kelley Day, are no longer part of KOIN channel 6 news. BIG MISTAKE!! We are “shopping” for another network. Just hope they have enough sense to hang onto Jeff!! Bruce & Kelley, we love you both!! We will be watching–hoping to see you soon on another local channel! Hang in there…
well that sucks
………..WOW…………….what a lousy summer this has been. First we lose Bruce, and then Kelley. KOIN TV news doesn’t feel like “home” anymore. Feels more like a death in the family. Too many new faces, so I’m thinking it’s time to find a new channel!!!
Kinda like what they did to Shirley Hancock.
…and Mike must of had those pictures of the owners since he survived!
Now its Kelly’s time.
I can’t believe Bruce and now Kelley is gone. I am on the look out for you guys to return to a different channel. We need you in our life and doing the news as you do well.
Kelley’s personality, look, smile, and professionalism is truly missed and the news guys are not filling the shoes of Kelley and Bruce.
I love Sally but let us know where Bruce and Kelley go…. I will tune in for more info.
channel 6 news….whos that???? Wont ever watch that news again, shame on them.
What huge mistakes the new owners of KOIN have made! You have a group of employees that work well together and the public enjoys watching them and you let two key people go! Who is responsible for this very dumb decision? Bruce and Kelley are missed by so many viewers that always watched KOIN 6 News . They have made a big error by trying to replace Kelley and Bruce. I almost feel sorry for the new people. They were big positions to fill and the new people are not able to handle either Kelley or Bruce’s position. How many viewers have to change channels before the owners admit that they made a mistake?
Koin certainly has their problems. A constant revolving door with the morning crews, then shoot themselves in the other foot by letting Bruce and Kelley go. It seems they try to do everything they can to screw up their news department. I’m sure Jeff will get the blame when the ratings drop and he will be gone as well. The only viewers they will eventually have left is the Koin management staff.
Good luck Bruce and Kelley, I hope you both are able to stay in Portland (even if it’s at Fox).
Bring Bruce and Kelley back. Come on guys. The new weather gal is terrible. Her voice is annoying and she’s not Bruce. Kelley is way better than the new gal. If you don’t bring them back, I’m not going to watch your news anymore. They may not care if I don’t watch but they will if enough of the public joins me.
So far I have talked to 32 people who have quit watching channel 6 news because of the firing of Bruce and Kelley.How many more do they want to lose? CBS had better wake up.Why would you break up one of the best teams on Portland T.V.? I guess it is big business bottom line company screwing with local people.I have switched to channel 12 for the news.Not really a Fox fan but I like the people.
I have already switched to KATU… I can’t understand why they would let Kelly and Bruce go, and keep Brian M. He must be a relative of the owners….
Thank you for posting this blog. I found it when I went looking for what happened to KOIN news. I hope you keep it going and let us know where everyone ends up so we can follow you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to get everyone back.
I too will be switching stations…I have wondered where Bruce went and then Kelly disappeared…I really like them and hope everyone quits watching too.
Bruce, I was sad when you left KGW — I wish good things for you. I quit watching KOIN when they (apparently) treated Shirley Hancock so shabbily a long, long time ago. All the best to you.
I too will switch to a different news channel. I wonder if anyone at koin has seen this line?
When Bruce was not renewed I wrote and asked ,”will Jeff and Kelly be next?”, and here we are with Kelly gone. What can they possibly be thinking? If I were Jeff I’d have my resume out there and run as fast as I could.they can bring in all the little new cuties that they want but will not have the same professional news team that they had . The old saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Add me to the list of those who will no longer watch. Nor will any of my family or friends. Alphabets to you Bruce, Kelly and Jeff.
I just copied all the comments that needed to go to the koin.com site. It has now been sent to them so hopefully our voices will be heard. Love Bruce and Kelley. Wish them the best of luck and hope they can get on a local station so we will not lose them.
I watch channel 6 at 6 for years. Bruce was the best weather person at night. Kelley is a great lady. But I change the channel to 12. Good luck Jeff
I’m really disappointed in KOIN. I have watched you for so many years now. When Kacey Montoya left along with Matt Brode was a blow. Before that was Alexis Del’sid, Then Bruce….Now Kelley. New owners need to be careful….Out with the old and in with the new may not be the best way to go. If your recasting for a “younger” crowd…Good Luck. I didn’t watch the news when I was in my early 20’s -30’s and now a day’s I imagine folk in the 20’s thru actually 40’s now a day don’t watch it now.
Well that does it for me I’ve been watching Kelly since she first started on KOIN and frankly I just do not see any reason to loose such a great talented reporter along with having Bruce Sussman leave one wonders who’s going to be next maybe ole Jeff better be watching out. this used to be my favorite news station ….. not anymore … good night.
I miss both you and Kelley. Too bad that Koin is making so many changes. I felt like you were family welcoming me home after work.
Thank you very much. We loved to be the ones welcoming you home!
Have a great weekend,
I am so disappointed in the dismissal of Kelley Day, I was upset when Bruce Sussman was let go, and now Kelley. We changed to Channel 6 when Jeff and Kelly started being anchors as we had watched them both on Channel 2 KATU, I am so afraid that Jeff, Joel Iwanaga, Ken Body will be next. The new weather girl is a joke, and I’m not sure about the new anchor. If you have a good combo with that works why change it?
I don’t know how many years we have been watching Channel 6 news but a very long time and the time has now ended. If they hire back the crew I will be back. Bruce I miss your weather and your laughter. Hope you are soon on the local news because I will be watching your show.
So very sad that my favorite evening news program has gone away. I will be watching KPTV. Bruce and Kelley were such major forces on what was the best evening news team. I wish the very best for both of them and truly hope another local station snatches them up. I will be looking for them. I also hope for the best for Jeff.
Count me in as one who would rather find another news station. I don’t how it seems rammed down our throats with the changes. First the set then the people without a word of warning.
I shall no longer watch KOIN 6 NEWS! For years, and years your station has set the standard of news reporting. At the helm was Jeff & Kelly. With the right arm cut off what is the point of your station even having a news department? THIS HOUSEHOLD SHALL NEVER WATCH KOIN 6 NEWS AGAIN!!! I would have thought your management would have learned there lesson a few years back when they let Miss Day leave. Apparently not. Good luck trying to rebuild a more trustworthy and iconic news anchor team. I know it takes time, but the new girl ant cutting it.
Oh well, Back to ABC.
Al Mildon.
Finally found out the sad news – that Kelly Day will never be back with her warm friendly delivery of the news…Big mistake to let her go!!!!!
Well…whose next? I loved Bruce & Kelley. Guess its time to change tv stations for tbe local news.
Seriously, Kelly Day, not with Jeff? KOIN have you not heard the saying, ” if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!!!!
Love the Jeff and Kelly duo, are you crazy? Portland icons!!! Letting her go is going to prove to be a huge mistake! Local girl, great personality, fun, talented, smart, witty, honest, positive and loves Pugs! She will replace you in a hot second, but YOU will NEVER replace her! Her replacement won’t hold a candle to her EVER! HUGE shoes to fill! Will miss Jeff, but changing channels!!! HUGE error!!!
I cannot believe management did not renew Bruce or Kelley’s contract!! Poor decision. They along with Jeff were the reason we watched KOIN6. Since moving to Portland 3 years ago we were faithful watchers but you’ve lost these viewers.
Oh, I am so disappointed to see Kelley is gone from Koin. What a loss for Koin. She is a cup half full kind of person, with a wonderful personality and delivery. I think Koin made a mistake, but it will be someone else’s gain. Good luck to you Kelley!
We can’t believe that you both are gone. …..we are going to change channels.. you guys are like family and we miss you already. ..
The sky is falling! What are management doing?
You can’t drop two of the very best in NW television without ticking off we viewers, Bruce and Kelley were our “Rocks”…
All the best to you, Bruce & Kelley!
Thank you for the nice post. We appreciate it!
KOIN , it appears you don’t care what the viewers want. Getting rid of long time reports that we the customer are familiar with and trust is not acceptable! Getting rid of Bruce was one thing, but, getting rid of Kelley Day is total BS! I’ll watching another News broadcast. Look out Jeff you are next!
To Kelley and Bruce, change is hard and some times disagreeable. Bruce you had a million dollar smile and Kelley you were XXXX are my Miss XXX Mrs. America with your big brown eyes and such a charming personality. Well maybe management knows something but usually knows not and wonders why. Love to you guys. Central Oregon, at least a small part, loves you guys. Wunguy in Madras.
I hope that the two if you can stay in the portland area, it would not and so far has not been the same without the two of you on the air. Is there anything that the public can do to support getting the two of you back in the air? #bringbackkelleyday
I guess I’m in the minority, I think the changes have worked out great. Although loosing a job that your seemingly doing very well is just the pits. My question would be when do you get a hint that your contract won’t be renewed? I would be real shakey in my last year of contract, especially at a middle age to be let go. Bruce you had it all over the new girl !!
I miss kelly but my remote is handy so long KOIN… where is the Koin investigation team on that?? get to the bottom of this tradgedy
Wow! I lost the entire month of July and most of August as my 93 old Mother was dying and I was taking care of her. I turned on Channel 6 last night to see the news — where was Kelly Day, where was Bruce Sussman? Who is that woman with Jeff? Is Kelly on vacation? I goggle “where is Kelly Day” and then I find out that she is gone!!! And that Bruce, the best weatherman around, is also no longer here! What! I’m sure this new woman, Ann State(?), is a very nice person, but she comes across as a puppet, like a Stepford Wife. I’ve always watched Channel 6, KOIN — no longer, I’m switching entirely to OPB/KOPB news……..why would a company come in, buy a successful station, and then start messing around with it! As a life-long Oregonian, I’m through with commercial TV.
Very sad to see Bruce and Kelly gone. Let’s see what the ratings do as it all is generated by advertising sales. Will be intersecting to see the VPVH. Ad agencies… Take your dollars elsewhere
Hard to understand how the management thought this was a good idea. They’ve taken the local right out of the news. I’ve seen Bruce out with his family at pietros and Kelley went to a local HS. There is no connection at all with the new people. I too will not watch koin news anymore. Good luck to you both, hope to see u on another local station.
Omygosh!!! Kelly is gone from my evening news? I have been missing her thought she was on vacation or sick leave was ready for her to come back. Nothing against the new girl but there is no personality or smile. The new owner know not what they did. I will miss Jeff alot but need to let KOIN know they were wrong. Bruce is missed also. Watch your back Jeff!!! I will be going to another channel for news. It’s like losing a family members.
Kelly and Bruce are like my living room family news. You will be missed!!!!!!
I was really surprised to see that Kelly was no longer on KOIN…but that’s their loss. She and Jeff made a great team. I’ll be watching for her on another channel. So much for KOIN news.
I just realized Kelley is not just on vacation as I was hoping!!!! Not renewing Bruce was a huge mistake.. How can you top that? Don’t renew Kelley. that’s how…
I think Jeff should investigate the station management…..
Going back to Fox News..
Koin 6 is the only news I have watched and trusted for 20 years. I do not watch it because of you Koin, I watch it because Kelley, Bruce, and Jeff have become part of my family. You are nothing without them. What a stupid decision you have made. I’m sad! Actually Mad!
Bruce, you are great. As you know and everyone else seems to be missing, the ratings have been terrible at KOIN for years. There are very few advertisers left to leave. It has very little to do with the talent. It has everything to do with an inconsistent product, and very little support. When someone comes in and buys the station they always, fire the news director and replace the talent. Especially the expensive talent. Frankly Kelly and Jeff have out lived their ratings by a long shot. Kelly is out, Jeff is on the way. That is just the way it works.
Unfortunately in this business it happens alot .It is to bad that they did not renew Kelly’s contract she is awesome to watch also delightful. I will be looking for her on a new channel, good luck Kelly and I will be watching for you.
Like many posters, I thought vacations or other extenuating circumstances were causing the personnel upheavals. At one point, I even thought, well, how nice, they’re giving the interns and/or novices a chance to log in some real professional time while the real, experienced professionals are on vacation.
But, now, I am very disappointed to learn you and Kelley were let go. What a ridiculous and very unsettling decision. You are both well liked and very well respected. There are multiple channels for news out there, but I guess management doesn’t realize consumers choose WHO they watch delivery it!
Poor Jeff……..He’s probably feeling very discombobled!
Thank you and very best of luck to you both!
I love Jeff ! But I will change my news channel in protest of losing Kelly Day.
What an amazingly stupid decision on the new managements part to get rid of Bruce and Kelly. Why else would anybody watch koin tv other than Jeff Gianola. He had such great chemistry with Kelly and Bruce. They were like family. Now everything seems so disconnected and not flowing at all.
Why would you change something that works so well.
I will not watch your news programs again. Nor will any of my family.
I can not believe KOIN did not keep Kelly. My wife and I watched Kelly and Jeff every night, but will
be changing to a different news station now. I wonder sometimes who makes the stupid decisions
at some of the TV stations. You have lost two more viewers KOIN.
Where is Kelley Day?! SO disappointed to find out she is no longer on KOIN! What is the matter with you people?! Channel 6 used to be my fav but no longer!!
Thank you Bruce for letting us all know what happened to Kelly. What a mistake not to renew Kelly’s contract. You, Jeff and Kelly made a great team. And the new owners have made no friends by treating Kelly situation with silence. If I could get management on the phone, what an earful they would get!! Keep up the good weather reporting!!!!
So sorry to find all this sad news greeting me, when I returned from a family vacation. Now what station shall I watch? Have watched Koin 6 since Mike and Shirley days.
Don’t much care for the replacements…but it isn’t their fault they can’t seem to get things clicking
like the professionals before them. Will check on them 5 years from now to see if they survived. And
will keep searching for Kelley and Bruce!!!
it’s terrible that Kelley’s contract wasn’t renewed she did an awesome job & i miss seeing her with Jeff at 11pm
I thought Kelly was on vacation. This is very sad. Kelly and Jeff was such a great team. Oh well, I am not gong to watch KOIN6 news every night, probably start watching other channels.
I just can’t believe that these changes have come about.So nice to turn on that 5o’clock news and see those smiles light up that screen.The best to all of you.Hopefully we will see you pop up here somewhere soon.And if I turn on that tv and see Jeff gone…..its channel 8 here I come!
I agree with what others have said here. KOIN 6 news is not the same without Bruce and Kelley. I’ve always liked Jeff and think he is a great newscaster but it’s just not the same without Bruce and Kelley. You are both loved and respected and I don’t think either of you will have any trouble finding new gigs. Goodbye KOIN!
The loss of Bruce and kelly from the Channel 6 news family is greatly disappointing. In a way it feels like a family being torn apart. Just who are the new owners? What could they be thinking. It certainly cannot be the lack of talent and professionalism of these respected journalists. I guess there is not much the viewers can do to alter the decision to change the team for the sake of change alone. What i can do is pick up the remote and click click to another channel which i am doing right now.
I will miss Kelly. She was so easy to look at. Great body!!!! Love Kelly.
I can’t believe you didn’t want to renew Kelly or Bruce contract, well let me just say that my contract won’t be renewed with Koin either no more watching your newes going to channel 8
First YOU let the best weather man on TV go.
Then YOU decide to not renew Kelly’s contract.
Then YOU give these 2 jobs to nobodys. To add insalt to injury, you bring in this deadhead and make her “chief meteorologist”. Sally has 10 times the personality.
Then you bring in Ann? She will NEVER replace Kelly!
Jeff watch your back!!!!! I must admit that I don’t watch the news as much nor as long as I use to.
Had to finally look for some info as to why Kelley was no longer on. I now know and will no longer watch koin news. Sorry, also saw info on Bruce during same search. Wow, new owners/management couldn’t part with some of their over inflated income. Bye Bye!
I absolutely adore Kelley. I wrote to her once and asked her where she gets her hair cut (silly but I did it) and she WROTE ME BACK!!! Aside from her insightful reporting, the fact that she took time out of what was undoubtedly a very busy schedule to tell this grandma in La Center where she gets her hair done was above and beyond the call of duty.
Koin 6 had me SOOO mad about not renewing your contract, Bruce. I am a weather geek and loved and trusted your forecasts. Now, with Kelley gone, too – it’s just too much. I’m sure Jeff Gianola will disappear too when his contract is up. Koin is no longer my station for news, and I watch it from 4 pm – 7 pm daily. Shame on you, Koin!!!
Oh brother..another talented crew ot the door on managements ludicris whim.Bruce Sussman a top
person on the wx scene and Kelly day;the best co-anchor since Shirley Hancock ousted for the usual
cover up excuse..” not renewalable contact wise.How absolutely dumb to do so!! Someday talent like that will be hard to get.All the faithful seem to feel the same way about this chicanery to insult the
followers of this ch.6.So,off to ch.8 now to visit with some people over there you trashed as well.Amy
Troy who was an excellent side-kick to Jenny Hanson and bop over to ch.2 to see Mark nelson
another besmirched person.Bad rep all around for whomever is running your outfit.Who,s next we
I intentionally switched to KOIN after they brought Jeff G in, and agree with the other posters here. I continued to watch because of Jeff, Kelley and Bruce. I will no longer be watching KOIN news because of these horrific, ridiculous decisions. GOODBYE, and hope you’re happy!!!
Can’t wait to see Kelley and Bruce on another local station, and I HOPE Bruce is there as well!!!
We watched KOIN 6 for years. We brought Mike, Shirley, Kelley, Jeff, and Bruce into our home every day… they all had work ethics, community involvement, values, views, honesty, that we respected and grew to trust. It takes a long time to believe in people that you don’t know personally, but they had ethics, values, and longevity behind them and we grew to trust their views, their reporting, and their values. NOT interested in starting all over with bubble-gummers, trying to start their careers. We are leaving Koin 6 and moving on. Best wishes to the old news crew, you are definitely missed, and good luck Jeff!
Oh how we miss Kelley Day…she was the best anchor on TV and now we have to change channels….
…why would management do something so stupid….also miss Bruce…what were they thinking!!!
Still very unhappy about Bruce and Kelley being let go by KOIN for no apparent reason. I cannot watch channel 6 news any more. Jeff should have walked away. Channel 2 totally dissed Rod Hill. Now KGW or KPTV are all we are left with.
Koin has been a revolving door for some of the best news and weather people in the area.
Even tho I love Jeff is still there ,I am moving on. Kelly was the last straw for me!!
Ok, I’m a weather and news freak…so I’m saying it is tough without a daily prescription of Kelley & Bruce and if KOIN isn’t wise to Top Quality then I’d like you two to take over the top spots at KGW or KPTV(they need lots of help IMO!) I’d mention KATU also but so rarely tune their way that I can’t speak to their current condition.
All the best to you both..we need you back on the air!!
Katu here I come, More and more poor decisions are being made by the new management. I miss Bruce but now Kelley also gone is all I will put up with. Jeff and Kelley were so great together why would they ruin it. Pretty sure the new management needs to be replaced.
Yes “what were they thinking” (management)? Gone for the summer, I had to get on the internet to find out the answer to that lingering ?, “where are our favorite people on KOIN 6 news?” Certainly a caption @ the bottom of the screen, for a month, two or three during the local new on KOIN would have been helpful/upfront and “NEWS” of great consequence!
Bruce Sussman, you & Kelley Day are personalities beyond compare! You have smiles and bubbly personalities that cause your viewers to smile/laugh with you. It’s a contagiously good thing! You’re a top meteorologist who brings a very real energy/gusto/enthusiasm/fun to the “everyday” and not so everyday weather of the day.
Kelley- an excellent “news” anchor, is vivacious as well (Webster’s definition- full of life and animation; spirited; lively). And I can’t be the only person that has noticed that Kelley is no slouch!She sits up strait in a chair (her mother can be proud of her)!
Then Jeff Gianola, with his whimsical smile, keeping it together. It was Great chemistry as so many have said!
Thanks to each of you for who you are, the memories and, we (your Oregon audience) would surely like to see you back yesterday, if not in the future- the near future!!!!
I just want to say your news is not the same without Kelley Day. I know change happens but I am afraid I need to move on to another TV news channel. It just doesn’t have the same home comfort feeling andpazaa like it had before. I miss KelleyDay. Thank you for the time she was there and the laughs, joy and tears she brought to my home. I love my pug too….time for me to change too…; ( lehua
Bruce, we stopped watching Koin since you left. We did not know about Kelly until the News came up after watching one of the CSI shows and decided to check your website. Thank you for letting us know what happened to Kelly. That station have made a suicidal choice. They lost two GEMES! We enjoyed very much watching the news with the two of you. Now, we just check the news on line. One of this days we will canceling the satellite, no longer worth the money.
We love you and we hope you start your own on line show!!!
When something isn’t broke don’t fix it. They tried and now it’s broken. Why would you take a perfect news team and break it apart. Bruce, Kelly and Jeff made the news enjoyable. I wrote the station and they replied. They tried building up the new news casters but they haven’t proven anything. I have now made channel 12 and channel 2 my only new channels. I watch two because they sometimes get different stories and different views. It use to be 6 and 12 because they both had new people with great personalities and such a good team. So funny together and that’s what keeps people coming back. They were a part of our families. A part of our holidays. A part of our lives. Won’t be watching 6anymote. Sorry Jeff. Channel 12 has the personality. I wish 12 had room for Bruce and Kelly and Jeff too. Miss you two.
We miss Kelly and Bruce… I have completed stopped watching KOIN 6 news because of all the changes…. I have to say that Jeff does not seem happy like he use too… I bet the ratings have gone down… BRING BACK KELLY AND BRUCE!!!!! WHOSE WITH ME!!!!
I’m sorry to say that I stopped tuning in to KOIN when I finally noticed that Kelley Day was no longer a part of the news team and I miss hearing your weather reports.
Unless you guys come back, I won’t be tuning in to channel 6 anymore. I tried to watch, but the absence is too much. The new owners made a grave mistake, and are likely from out of town and don’t realize we Portlanders have loyalty to our newscasters, other public familiar faces be they furniture salesmen or politicians, how we love our hole in the wall places (cafes or food carts), and that we go back to our favorite outdoor spots over and over again.
I miss you and Kelley. It’s a pity I won’t be watching that channel. I’ve made it a point to turn it off, when it’s 5, 6, or 11pm, and I go over to channel 2 for weather now.
Poor decision to not renew Kelly’s contract. Nothing against her replacement but Kelly’s chrisma was the primary reason our family turned to KOIN. NO Longer
Hey Bruce
Hope all is well with you and your family. I thought by now we would surely hear where Kelly went. If you hear and Kelly gives permission would you please tell us where she goes. Thanks very much.
Best regards always,
I miss Kelly Day!!! KOIN news just isn’t as good without her. I’m watching channel 12 now.
Koin made a big mistake! I’ll watch responsible TV – not koin Thank you.
Kelly Day; I just finished my 162-page, nonfiction book on who Oregon’s Pioneer John Day really was!
I sent Bruce Sussman a copy? Your ancestor was quite the character!
You’ll enjoy reading about his adventures around the early 1800s! He was a personal friend of Daniel Boone- the pathfinder back East.
I pray you can stay here in Oregon!!!!!
Really enjoyed Kelley Day on Koin News. We wondered where she went. We view from Pendleton, Oregon and are disappointed that she is gone. She had a wonderful smile and did an excellent job as a news caster. Time to find new news coverage.
There was a reason her contract was not renewed….we were not fans of hers and I found her rude/arrogant.
It continues to sadden me losing so many friends from our lives. We invite the front line news anchors into our living room nightly, not a station. Good bye KOIN
Thank you Bruce for allowing your friends to vent their loss on your page.
God Bless
I’ve been wondering how you two have been…all these weeks later and I still can’t believe our two favorites aren’t on the air for us daily.
Hope you’ve both found a healthy and happy place for your talents and interests.
All the best!
I miss Kelli Day
I have tried to watch the new KOIN news, but I found somethings missing. Jeff,was without Bruce and Kellie There is more than people missing it is the the team of the 3 of them and how they supported each other. They were always positive and encouraging with the news and each other they were genuine and showed compassion for the not so good news they had to report. , Those feelings are not there now as I try to watch and then wonder if they will ever be. It’s a shame Bruce and Kellie’s lives are ran by a paper contract and not what has shaped the persons and what they have built around them for KOIN and Portland, These should be written in their contract too!!! .I watch KATU now and miss seeing Jeff, I hope he will be able to stay.
I was so surprised and happy to happen to find Bruce on KATU on Tuesday morning, It was so great to see his smile and positive outlook on an early morning!!!
Prayers for many good things for Bruce and Kellie to happen.
I still really miss Kelly Day. KOIN 6 News use to be my favorite and main news source, not so much any more. I hope she is doing well and has found something awesome.
Still missing K.D. (And still not watching KOIN news)
I miss seeing Bruce and Kelley ! KOIN really messed up letting these two go. What is Kelley doing now ? We’ve seen Bruce a few times on KATU which was a joy to see. Hope to see them both on local news again soon.
hi I want to let you know that I would come back to 6 if you let sally go I watch 6 in the night we sure miss Bruce and Kelly I do not like the new owners
I miss Kelly very much. I can’t believe they had the nerve to let her go and hire what they now have. How was that possible. I guess it is there business and they can do what they want. So can I. I don’t watch 6 news as much and less all the time. It will be more of the not now I found out why she is not there.
Wow this many comments, any how I have not watched koin since Bruce and KELLY left I miss both of you and its great to see Bruce on katu from time to time. I hope to see KELLY Day soon. she is missed by me and a whole lot of other folks Kelly! hang in there.
We check Koin 6 frequently to see if Kelley Day and Bruce Sussman are back. We see that Bruce is at least back on Portland news, but where oh where is Kelley Day She was absolutely the BEST. We no longer watch Koin 6 and know many others who have also switched because Kelley is gone.
Still waiting. Miss you guys. R U working yet?
Still disappointed Bruce Sussman and Kelly day are not with koin. That was my favorite news channel I must say I quit…..just how many viewer’s quit your news station. Jeff Gianola and Kelley day we’re a great match, someone messed up. Jeff and and Kelly day we’re a great match, someone messed up. I look at ABC now. Changes can be difficult at times even as simple as newscasters. Where are they now. Hope they are happy and Know that we enjoyed them on channel 6.
Bring back Kelley Day and Bruce. No longer watch koin 6 until then.