#1: Dunkin Donuts is still the king of coffee in this town. It was founded near Boston. And we were actually surprised each time we came across a Starbucks! It’s not like that in the northwest.
#2: Going to Fenway to see a Red Sox game with 50 TV Meteorologists across the country is just a blast. The Red Sox lost to the Angels 14-13 in the 10th. It was a wild game. And you should hear the crowd sing “Sweet Caroline…buh-buh-buh”…everyone was into it. And, we even got a shout out on the big screen!
#3: There is some unbelievable technology in the works to make forecasts more accurate, integrate social media into what we do even more and to visualize what’s happening on earth & in space in ways that left my jaw dropped during some of our conference sessions.
The 40th AMS (American Meteorological Society) Broadcast Meteorology Conference was a huge success. More than 200 TV Meteorologists from across the U.S. were in the house!
Thanks to the TV folks and the AMS for making this year’s conference a good one.
Looks like you enjoyed yourself. It’s always nice to hang with people who are into the same thing as you. Nice!
Thanks, Jory. You are so right that it is refreshing when ‘birds of a feather can flock together!’
Fenway park is one of the parks I’d love to see. I keep hearing its a great one.
Glad you had fun at the ball game, and of course at the conference! Didn’t know about that one.
You should try to do a small series (2 or 3 posts?) touching on some of the cool new things you saw there. I’d be interested in reading (and seeing) about it.
Bruce you crazy wolf!!!!!!!!!