First of all, you have to admit this clock is kind of cool.
Second of all, Congress enacted new Daylight Saving Time rules that started in 2007.
We’re years past 2007. So why does the headline say ‘new’?
It’s because when I mentioned on KOIN Local 6 News  this week that we’d be springing ahead people were like, “Already?” “Are you sure that’s right?” And, “It’s not even spring yet and we’re springing ahead?”
It’s easy to understand why this seems ‘new’ each year. The last significant change to Daylight Saving Time in the United States was 1986. So we had decades of the same thing until 2007.
Daylight Saving Time Rules In The United States As Of 2007Â
- It starts the second Sunday in March
- It ends the first Sunday in November
Want to have your clock exactly right when you spring forward? Here’s the official U.S. time.
By the way, there is no ‘s’ on Daylight Saving Time. If you go on the news and say it with an ‘s’ then you’ll hear about it. Trust me on this!
You and Jeff did a supurb job of reporting the earth quake and tunami the other night. you mentioned that planet spin was slightly changed. I am curious whether it also could have effected the planet’s tilt as well.
Watch you guys every night!