Today was one of those days where I thought we’d dry out but we’ve still got just a handful of showers that refuse to quit. All I can do is watch them on Live Doppler and shrug my shoulders. Well, at least La Nina is playing ball, though, and delivering the goods she’s supposed to as we slide through late fall here in the northwest. For starters, let’s talk rain. We’re well above average for October and November. And although December looks to start with some dry time it’s typically our wettest month and I’m pretty sure we’ll make up for that before Christmas rolls around. And then there’s the snow. Snow-pack in the mountains is way ahead of average. And some parts of eastern Oregon are already buried in white, with more to come.
- Gaye Young in Elgin, Oregon sent this shot looking out her back deck. She has 2-3 feet of snow and it’s only December 1st. It’s going to be a l-o-n-g winter!
And if you think it’s been unusually cool west of the Cascades, you’re absolutely correct. Portland’s now had 14 straight days with highs below average. Brrr. And bummer when you get your next heating bill! Blame it on La Nina in the northwest. She delivers and we get the bill!
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