We’re entering that weird ‘twilight zone of weather’ where things are not what they seem.
Or at least, not what they usually are!
Low clouds, fog and chilly air will be stuck in the Willamette Valley this week. But along the coast days will be sunnier sooner and as much as 10 degrees warmer than Portland.
But do you really want to warm up and have all day sunshine? Mt. Hood is your best bet this week. Look what happened Monday January 14, 2013:
At 3pm Monday afternoon, Portland was have flurries and was stuck under clouds at 32 degrees. At the same time, it was sunny at Mt. Hood Meadows and at just above 6,000′ elevation, the temperature was 47 degrees. That’s 15 degrees warmer on Mt. Hood!
I expect this pattern to repeat for several days, possibly into the weekend. It’s an inversion. That is, chilly down low and warm up top.
Just remember to bring your sunglasses if you’re headed to the Coast or the Cascades this week. And have a nice trip!
Update: Tuesday January 15 was even warmer on Mt. Hood. All of our resorts had highs in the 50s. But look at that sun at Mt. Hood Skibowl this morning. Wow!
And to think, I was stuck down in the Willamette Valley where the sun never came out. That’s a serious bummer!
Bruce; We’re in the same situation as you: Yesterday was chilly with freezing drizzle and snow. If you really wanted warmth however, you should have been way up north in Fort Nelson, Bc at 5am this morning. They were 52F with winds gusting to 32 mph from the west. Bizzare conditions indeed!
Roland–those are some crazy weather numbers! Between all of these…and LA’s coldest morning low in 22 years, the west is finally ‘where it’s at’ for weather. At least for now!
Have a great day up north. And thanks, as always, for stopping by.