Have you felt trapped inside this winter, the way the Sussman family cats have?
Have you been looking through the screen door, wondering when the rain will stop?
If so, you’ve got lots of company. Because together, we just made it through the wettest December-February in Portland History.Â
These three months, December, January and February, are what we call ‘meteorological winter’ — a nice easy to track three month stretch you can compare year after year.
Now, on to the numbers!
December-February Rainfall Rankings – Portland, Astoria, Vancouver, Salem
The National Weather Service in Portland does a great job tracking our trends–and here is the final breakdown on where several northwest cities rank. One surprise: historically speaking, this winter was a bigger deal for inland rain than the coast. Storms really held together well after crossing the Coast Range this winter.
Portland rainfall – 26.87″ – Rank #1
Vancouver  – 26.94″ – Rank #2 (1969-1970 holds the record 27.15″)
Salem – 25.97″ – Ranks in the top 10 (well below 1955-1956 with a record 30.32″)
Astoria – 42.81″ – Ranks in the top 20 (the record is an amazing 55.71″ during 1933-34)
As I write this post I hear–wait a minute, what is that? Yep, more rain.Â
Like Annie says in her musical number, “The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow.” Â I’m not so sure about that!
L O V E seeing a photo of Rex & Tex.