I’ve had a lot of questions about whether the weather (get my play on words?) made Portland’s March 2012 a record breaker.
Yes, indeed. Just enough rain to record 7.89″ of rain at PDX, Portland Airport, where records date back to 1940.
And, we had our latest accumulating snow near the Portland airport, too.
I’m really hoping April is quieter — and sunnier! Although the long-term forecast for Oregon and Washington is not looking that way.
I hope it’s wrong…
I suppose “congratulations” are in order. It wasn’t a pleasant March wherever you went in the general Pacific NW area. In Vancouver BC, we didn’t set a rainfall record(it actually was just around a “normal” total amount),but it still was a cloudy, cool and damp month.
Maybe ‘condolences’ would be a better term. Glad you guys skated by with nothing unusual!