Funny Weather Forecasting “Facts”
If there’s a 50-50 chance that a forecast will go wrong, 9 times out of 10 it will.
No two weather patterns are alike, although someone will remember one just like this that occurred back in ’84.
Forecast models are like clocks —
… if you only have one, you always know exactly what time it is.
… if your have more than one, you’re never sure!
Heavy snow will generally end once a winter storm warning has been issued.
Funny Weather Cartoons
Click to view images larger in a slideshow.
Funny Weather Jokes
What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks?
(Foul weather)
When do little flakes get to bring their pets to school?
What do clouds wear under their clothes?
Weather Games
Challenge your memory with the Weather Icon Match Game from WeatherBug . As you progress through the game and match more and more icons you will unveil severe weather photographs taken by WeatherBug users!
Very cool site! I like the fact it’s very weather-centered. Too often, it seems broadcasters who do their own page make it all about them. This is very content focused. Nice job. You’ve obviously put a lot of work into it.
I’d take a little of your Portland weather about now. Here in “Minn-e-haha” County, South Dakota the snow’s still falling.
Could you tell me how many days have had rain since March? MAKE IT STOP!!
Hi Bruce,
I love your comic collection! It’s important that we meteorologists have a good sense of humor.
Jay–you are so right. A sense of humor goes a long way in meteorology! Thanks for the post.
Did you know that if there is a double rainbow the colors on the 2nd rainbow are inverted? (violet is on the top?)
Chris–I had forgotten that. Thanks so much for sharing!
I looked at this, liked it, and enjoyed the cartoons, so I decided to have some fun with it by passing it on to a bunch of people and telling them to comment… I HOPE YOU GET… SWAMPED … thumbs UP!
Hi Bruce,
My husband and I really miss your weather reports on TV. KOIN’s loss! I’m so glad to find your weather blog. In response to Christ Neer’s comment about the double rainbow reverse colors from March 22, I will send you a photo I took from Tigard on March 28 that demonstrates the mirror image of the colors in the second rainbow. (Separate post).
We wish you the best and hope another position opens up soon in Portland.
I AGREE WITH MISSING YOU. YOU ARE THE BEST IN WHAT YOU DO.AND your forecast as you are the most accurate of them all. I use to only watch your nights when you were on now I DONT WATCH KOIN ANYMORE AFTER YOU LEFT. I DONT LIKE THE PEOPLE . WHY DID THAT ONE GUY NOT GET TAKEN OFF, HIS AGE ISNT YOUNG EITHER.
I recently joined your website; “what a blast” Weather Fun is! You are my most favorite and adorably quirky weather person and I appreciate your knowledge and sense of humor. Thanks for keeping Portland Wierd… no, Weird (so much for spelling rules)!