We did the ‘six cars in the ditch’ trick up on Skyline Boulevard in Portland’s West Hills.
KOIN Weather intern Jeff Raetz measured 1″ of snow at the 900′ level on Mt. Scott, on Portland’s east side.
And we had some neighborhoods turn white for a couple of hours on this morning of January 9, 2013. This one is at elevation 750′ in Happy Valley.
But get out of the hills–and what did most places get? Just another ‘tease’ where many of us saw snow fall, but not stick, for the fourth time this winter. Call it a “Portland Special,” I guess!
A degree or two colder, an extra band or two of showers and we could’ve been in business. I’m not complaining — hey — I love it when the forecast works out. Our official forecast on air last night was for AM snow showers and a possible dusting to 1″ in hilly areas of town.
But wouldn’t it be nice to have a good old fashioned Willamette Valley snowstorm?
Earlier this week, it appeared there was hope for such a thing this weekend. But now, it appears we’ll be dry this weekend–and probably for a week or more. So, we’ll try again later for snow!
Hi Bruce,
Don’t forget to remind the people of Portland that on about 24:00 to 01:00 hrs (PST) on Febuary 15th- 16th the Asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass within 14000 miles of Earth’s surface and that is well within the geosyncronous orbit of many service satellites and very far within the orbit of our moon. This asteroid is large enough to cause a major apocalypse if was to veer a little closer and get sucked into a collision with the surface of Earth. God Help Us All Bruce. May this nasty chunk of rock miss us and slam into a planet that can burn it up in it’s atmosphere before it can end life as we know it on our beautiful planet.
Perhaps we should all have our Great Apocalypse Survival Kits ready just in case.
If you haven’t read about this asteriod yet you could begin here:
Gus O Davis
Portland OR USA Planet Earth
Gus, thanks for the heads up. It does appear this one will miss us. Let’s hope it’s using GPS to chart an exact course! Have a great weekend.