A small iPhone Pano shot taken just south of Sunriver, Oregon over this past weekend.
It’s called being in the right place at the right time!
And all around me this summer, I’ve seen beautiful skies in Oregon & Washington. I bet you have, too. Here are a few more examples:
Here’s a picture of morning clouds in Portland, as they start to burn off above the top deck of Portland’s Freemont Bridge.
Then there are the totally clear skies above the Willamette River–I snapped this shot while sitting in cosntruction traffic. That’s right–I got bored after being in park for five minutes and finally started shooting pictures out of the sunroof. I had two minutes to spare before traffic moved again! You can see the buildings of downtown Portland in the distance.
And how about these beautiful clouds during my run over the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland on Tuesday evening July 30, 2013?
I love this view from the top of one of the lifts at Hoodoo Ski Area in the central Oregon Cascades. No storms that day–but still lots to see!
The moonscape is back (that’s what I call it) for visitors from around the world who stop to see Mount St. Helens each summer. This photo from late July 2013 was courtesy of the U.S. Forest Service Mount St. Helens Volcano Cam at Johnstson Ridge Observatory. I was so excited when this Volcano Cam shot went HD a few years ago!
The clear skies allowed Ray to get this great shot of the July Full Buck Moon over Portland.
Is it really summer? And does this cloud at sunset look like a giant question mark in the sky? Yes. And yes.
And not to leave out the coast–it’s been a cool summer there–with a lot of glorious afternoon sun and evening sunsets.
This is by no means a complete library of summer skies over Washington & Oregon. But I’ve really been noticing our skies a lot lately–and enjoying the fact they are anything but gray this time of year!
I hope you are having a great summer.
. . . and we know just where you were when you took the iPhone Pano shot…beautiful.